Now that the holidays are over, people are returning to old routines and pulling their purse strings a little tighter. That doesn’t mean your early 2015 sales are doomed. Here are five tips on how to use the post-holiday season to your advantage.
- Use Limited-Time Offers. January is the time when people come into the store to return or exchange gifts and use their gift cards. While they are in your store, you can entice them with limited-time offers. The customers are already there; offer them an irresistible deal that is only good in January (or whenever) and they’ve made the most out of their trip.Kohl’s does this year round with its “Kohl’s cash.” It differs from coupons in that it feels like free money to consumers. Rather than calculate a percentage, people know they get $5 – $20 off.
- Leverage slow-moving items. If you’ve got merchandise that didn’t move, it’s time to slash the prices. Get the consumer there with these deals and then optimize your full-priced displays. If they take advantage of other deals you’re promoting, their total bill will reflect huge discounts, even with a few full-priced items on there.
- Encourage “newness” and sticking to resolutions. Weight loss is a common resolution, so if you sell exercise apparel or equipment, support people’s desire to look better. You can also encourage a “new you” for the New Year, which could mean anything from a new look to better cooking. Figure out how your products support improvement and let people know about it. Put an image in the minds of consumers of themselves enjoying a better life with your products.
- Do a Fun Promo. People are more aware of their spending after the holidays. They want to let their wallets cool off for a bit. Regardless of how much people spent, however, they do need to shop year-round. Offering a free gift with purchase or holding a drawing for a gift card can bring them back into the store.
- Use the email addresses you collected during the holidays. Send emails to announce all the previous ideas and get people in the door. Be sure to use catchy subjects and keep the messages short. If you haven’t been collecting email addresses, make people give one to qualify for promotions and freebies.
As you attract people to the store, make sure its appearance also reflects “newness” for the New Year. Replace old signs, display holders, and tag holders with fresh ones. The more attractive everything looks in your store, the more likely people are to buy from you. For your custom and standard holders, use Vinyl Art. We are the trusted tag and display holders manufacturer for retail stores across the country. Contact 800-569-1304 or today.