Fishing brought families, friends, and communities together in unprecedented numbers amid the first waves of the coronavirus pandemic. With so many events canceled or closed, fishing became an ideal social distancing endeavor, a relaxing and rejuvenating activity to be enjoyed alone, with immediate family members, or within a small group.

According to the Outdoor Foundation and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation, 54.7 million Americans — that’s 18% of the U.S. population — fished at least once during 2020, the highest number recorded since participation tracking began in 2007.

With freshwater widely accessible throughout the country, freshwater fishing attracted 42.6 million participants who went on 677 million fishing trips, a level not seen in a decade. Saltwater fishing participation also continued its upward trend, growing for the third straight year.

Why should we be excited about these trends? Anglers contribute to conservation. By purchasing fishing licenses, they help fund many of the wildlife and conservation programs that exist in the United States. They also contribute to wildlife education programs, the purchase of public lands, and more.

Spending time in nature can also have health benefits including stress relief and social bonding. Fishing regularly, especially trout or fly-fishing, can also help individuals stay in shape. Those who choose to eat the fish they catch can also manage their weight effectively by substituting grilled fish for less healthy options at dinner time.

Expanding New Anglers’ Interest In Fishing

In addition to growing adult interest in fishing, youth participation rose sharply in 2020 with eight million children ages 6 to 12 fishing and 5.5 million adolescents ages 13 to 17 participating in the activity, according to the Outdoor Foundation and Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation.

Although we know that children these ages don’t need licenses, we’re excited about the growing number of young anglers! Most adults — 88% — who fish regularly began participating in fishing before the age of 12. Participation rates among young anglers fall by about half after the age of 12, too, making families with young children the key to ensuring that fishing participation doesn’t decline in the future.


It’s Time to Order Fishing License Holders

A custom fishing license holder is a great promotional tool for retail or specialty stores that sell sporting goods, bait and tackle, or other items. These attractive, durable fishing license holders offer document protection that will enhance your company’s branding.

Fishing license holders can have one or two color or clear vinyl pockets and hold standard-size licenses. Our clients choose to customize these license holders with their company name, logo, or other art and language.

Order now to make sure you can provide these items to your clients when they visit your stores on opening day.


Some of our Vinyl Art Team & Family Members in Action:

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, our team at Vinyl Art and their families have long enjoyed the sport of fishing. Our location right in the heart of the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” probably has something to do with this!


If you’re looking for custom, quality flexible packaging and promotional products, contact our team, and we can help you get started!



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