Business class seats on airplanes are filling up again, according to a new trend report from Deloitte. Annual spend on business travel, the company said, is expected to reach 55% of 2019 levels by the end of the year.
If you haven’t ordered items for tradeshows and conferences since 2019, it could be time to order again. All of our point-of-purchase display materials, from brochure holders and signage holders, can be customized to any size product you need.
The sudden change in human behavior also means that retailers will need more price tag holders, UPC tag holders, product cards, and other items as shoppers scout for items for long-overdue celebrations like weddings and vacations, which have been on hiatus since the pandemic took hold. Budget-conscious shoppers will also be spending more time in store, comparing prices, which makes it essential that your signage provides the information they need so that they can quickly and accurately calculate price-per-unit.
Our representatives can help you better understand how these behavior changes will impact your business and how to grab your target customer’s attention. Contact the Vinyl Art Team at 1-800-569-1304 or for more information.
Badge Holders for All of Your Transitions
If you’re preparing for an upcoming conference, Vinyl Art can help. We offer badge holders available in a variety of sizes and configurations to fit your needs. We can easily add printing, hot stamping, and other decorations to your badge holders, making individuals’ roles at the event easily identifiable. And, if we don’t have what you need, we can add it to our offerings quickly and easily.
We create badge and ID card holders for the following types of organizations and events:
Not sure what you need?
Contact the Vinyl Art Team at 1-800-569-1304or