Things can get really messy if you don’t keep track of the little things. That 1/5th of a day left ignored certainly was the culprit back in 46 BC, when Julius Caesar had to declare that the current year would last 445 days in order to get the calendar back in sync...
You likely aren’t surprised by the names of the biggest companies with the annual Fortune 500 list comes out. We’re used to seeing Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Apple, Amazon, and Berkshire Hathaway. These companies generate more than a trillion...
We’re in agreement with the statistics about nonprofit and charitable giving during the holidays. It’s when we see an increase in orders for branded badges. Many are for holiday events, while some are for company kick-off parties that will happen at the start of the...
If you move beyond political rhetoric and look at actual numbers, manufacturers are actually bringing jobs back to the United States. There is a variety of reasons, but likely one of the most important is that consumers are demanding it. According to Consumer Reports,...
The world’s taking a cue from best-selling author and Netflix TV show host Marie Kondo, who is definitely onto something (besides being meme-worthy) with her method to remove clutter. Thanks to Marie’s konmari method, people everywhere are decluttering their lives by...