
Product Packaging and Influencing the Consumer

Your product has about 7 seconds to make an impression. Packaging is what’s giving people the information that will make them quickly decide whether or not to buy. So how can you optimize the “ad space” covering and protecting your merchandise? We’ve researched what...

Three “Aha’s” When it Comes to Workplace Productivity

Whether you work in an office or a retail setting, productivity can be a tricky subject. On one end, people often find themselves overwhelmed by lethargic or unmotivated. Both ends of this spectrum leave people desperate for ways to become more productive. We’ve...

Redefining your Brand for Today’s Consumers

Think of your favorite successful business that’s been around (seemingly) forever. Is its marketing strategy the same now as it was ten years ago? Twenty? Not likely. Companies have to tweak its brands and marketing over time to survive. One of our favorite...

Point of Purchase More Effective than Price Cuts when done Right

Point of Purchase (POP) displays are valuable marketing strategies for both manufacturers and retailers. They attract people who are already making purchases. They also have a significant impact on what the consumer buys. In fact, research shows us that POPs are...

Are Promotional Products Really Worth it?

Lately, we’ve been doing a lot of research on advertising and marketing strategies. In our world of evolving technology, there is a lot to consider right now. Last week we posted advice on how to attract clients – specifically for insurance agents. One of the most...

The 20 Best Tips for Attracting Insurance Clients

Insurance is a competitive business. Between tried-and-true methods and ever-changing new styles of marketing, attracting new clients is as complex as ever. We know you can thrive as an insurance agent with the right strategies. We’ve searched articles and found well...

Opening a Retail Store: the things you don’t think about

Consumers do want retail stores for more than just showrooming. In fact, the demand is so high that some web-only companies have started opening up brick and mortar locations. Take Bonobos, for example. Andy Dunn, the apparel company’s CEO, was proudly adamant about...